Dividing Fractions: Understanding Division with Numbers Less than 1 (Grade 5)
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This lesson set provides an introduction to division with numbers less than one, both when the whole number amount is being divided by less than one and when the fraction is being partitioned by a whole number. They will use representations (pictorial and symbolic) and mathematical reasoning to link prior knowledge of division to division when one number involved is a fraction. Students will:
- apply understanding of division with whole numbers to division involving numbers less than 1;
- recognize the meaning of the dividend and the divisor and what happens when a unit fraction is in
- either position (but not both); and
- use a variety of representations to respond to a problem situation and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of such representations.
Standards: 5.NF.B.7, 5.NF.B.7.A, 5.NF.B.7.B, 5.NF.B.7.C